Category: Uncategorized
Google Drive
Otkud ova zbrka?
Otkud ova zbrka? VREME ČITANJA 3:44 MIN, BROJ REČI 924 Pre naki dan si mi pokalzala sajt i tražila da kažem šta mislim. Bio sam veoma zbunjen dizajnom, pa nisam znao šta da kažem. Promenio sam temu, i gledali smo šta ne valja na mom sajtu. Na kraju si mi rakla da ti nisam ništa…
Notify Subscribers on New Post
To achieve this functionality, we can create a WordPress plugin. This plugin will hook into the WordPress action for publishing a new post and then send an email to all subscribers of the website. Below is the full code for the plugin: <?php/*Plugin Name: Notify Subscribers on New PostDescription: Sends an email notification to all…
WordPress Growth
ChatGPT New image/svg+xml Openclipart WordPress Growth Year-On-Year Growth From 2011 to 2023, the number of active WordPress sites showed a steady increase, starting from approximately 5.29 million in 2011 and reaching about 34.38 million by 2023. This trend reflects consistent growth in WordPress’s online presence. source The market share of WordPress grew from 13.1%…